Holy Trinity & Saint Stephen’s Hardship Fund

While the impact of the COVID pandemic continues, it may be that some members of our church communities, or people you know within our parishes, find themselves in a difficult financial situation. We have a small fund that may be able to assist people in such circumstances with a one-off payment. We are not able to provide large amounts and cannot guarantee how long it would be available. For clarity, these would be small gifts (e.g. £100) and this would be in confidence.

If you are requesting financial support then we have the following criteria that need to met:


  • That you are on the Electoral Roll of Saint Stephen’s or Holy Trinity churches.


  • That you live within the parishes and know someone who is part of the worshipping community of either Saint Stephen’s or Holy Trinity Church. Please tell us who that person is that has recommended that you apply for assistance.


  • Please briefly explain your circumstances and why you are unable to access financial support via other means.

  • This is a cashless process and we require that you have a Bank Account.

There may be members of our church communities who would like to support this fund.

To ask for financial help or to support the hardship fund, please contact: info@saint-stephens.com

Whatever the future holds for us all, we pray that these words from Jesus may be something we can each hold to our hearts: ‘I am with you always’. We are profoundly grateful for the generosity of spirit that is witnessed in the communities of Saint Stephen’s and Holy Trinity as they serve God today.